Drop in Tech Help Time
Thursday, March 1311:00—11:45 AMDigital Media Lab 203Tufts Library46 Broad Street, Weymouth, MA, 02188
Do you need help with learning to use technology? If so, stop by our Tech Help Time on Thursdays from 11:00 - 11:45 AM with your questions!
Types of tasks we can help with include:
- using digital library resources
- formatting a Word document
- using a website
- adding attachments to an email
- navigating a smartphone or iPad
Please note: We aren't able to set up, repair or troubleshoot computers, phones or other personal devices.
ACCESSIBILITY STATEMENT: Weymouth Public Libraries does not discriminate on the basis of disability and is committed to providing a reasonable modification to participate in our events, services or documentation. Contact Amy Rosa at 781-340-5002 x 43459 or arosa@weymouth.ma.us at least two (2) weeks before an event to arrange for modification, or at any time you need accessible documents.
No Registration Required