WCFCE Story Time/Playgroup

Monday, December 169:30—10:30 AMChildren's Program RoomTufts Library46 Broad Street, Weymouth, MA, 02188

Join us at Tufts Library for some fun stories, followed by an interactive activity that follows along with the theme of the story. Followed by 30 minutes of free play. This program is designed to add exposure to the library expectations and stimulate a lifelong love for reading, as well as help your child to develop social skills needed for entering school.

This story time is sponsored by the Weymouth Coordinated Family and Community Engagement grant. Space is limited.

Weymouth residents may register with the Weymouth CFCE site. Registered Weymouth residents should plan on arriving by 9:15 as we may not be able to accommodate late-comers.


Non-Weymouth residents will be admitted as space allows.

ACCESSIBILITY STATEMENT: Weymouth Public Libraries does not discriminate on the basis of disability and is committed to providing a reasonable modification to participate in our events, services or documentation. Contact Amy Rosa at 781-340-5002 x 43459 or arosa@weymouth.ma.us at least two (2) weeks before an event to arrange for modification, or at any time you need accessible documents.

Weymouth residents should register with WCFEC. Non-Weymouth residents will be admitted as space allo