HOME-ARP Allocation Plan: Homelessness Assistance & Supportive Services

Wednesday, November 96:30—8:00 PMMultipurpose Room 138Tufts Library46 Broad Street, Weymouth, MA, 02188

The South Shore HOME Consortium (SSHC) has partnered with Barrett Planning Group to develop the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) HOME-ARP Allocation Plan. Upon HUD approval of this Allocation Plan, the SSHC will receive $2,918,165 in federal funds to assist individuals and households who are homeless, at risk of homeless, or other vulnerable populations.

The SSHC is a decision-making body comprising the City of Quincy and the Towns of Weymouth, Braintree, Holbrook, and Milton. Through the HOME Investment Partnerships Program, the SSHC receives federal funds that can be used in partnership with local nonprofits to fund a wide range of activities that build, buy, and/or rehabilitate affordable housing or provide direct rental assistance to low-income people. While the SSHC receives HOME funds annually, the $2,918,165 in HOME-ARP funds are a one-time special allocation to address the needs of those experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

If you have questions about the SSHC HOME-ARP Allocation Plan, please reach out to Sherry Zou, Housing Programs Manager for the City of Quincy, at szou@quincyma.gov or 617-745-7168.